
Workplace Productivity Statistics That Will Blow Your Mind

Lindsay McGuire
August 8, 2019
Min Read

As a workplace productivity platform, we’re focused on developing tools that will help your team gather data and put it to work in a more effective and efficient way. Because of this, we’ve been talking about productivity a lot the last few months. 

The most fascinating thing about workplace productivity is that it can be impacted by hundreds of different factors. The tools you use every day, the people you surround yourself with, and even the temperature of your office can have an impact on workplace productivity. 

Learn more about what might be diminishing productivity at your office by reading the workplace productivity stats below! 

Your Work Environment Can Make or Break Productivity 

71% of people surveyed by Robert Half said listening to music at work makes them more productive. 

A CareerBuilder study found that 53% of surveyed employees are less productive when their work environment is too cold. 

85% of employees are not engaged or are actively disengaged at work, resulting in $7 trillion in lost productivity, according to Gallup’s State of the Local Workplace. 

An Exeter University study states that open office layouts create a 32% drop in overall well-being and a 15% reduction in productivity.

human resources workplace productivity stats
Office Pet Perks: Check out the #DogsofFormstack to see how happy pups make us at Formstack’s HQ. 

Stresses In (and Out) of Work Can Tank Productivity 

In a study by PWC, it was revealed that employees who are stressed about their finances are nearly five times more likely to be distracted by their finances at work, and twice as likely to spend three hours or more at work dealing with financial matters. 

12% of employees have called in sick because of job stress, according to The American Institute of Stress

After reviewing 427 studies on work behavior, the Portland State University’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences found that bullying bosses increase counterproductive work behaviors in employees, like coming in late, taking longer-than-allowed breaks, doing tasks incorrectly, or withholding effort. 

Stress-related illnesses cost businesses an estimated $200 to $300 billion a year in lost productivity, as reported in Stress in the Workplace

Working Remotely Can Transform Efficiency 

77% of employees report greater productivity while working off site, according to the Remote Collaborative Worker Survey by CoSo Cloud.

64% of global business leaders said flexible working had a positive impact on productivity, Condeco reports.

remote work workplace productivity stats

86% of employees say they’re most productive when they work alone from home, as cited by Fundera

Did You Know? Nearly 60% of Formstack’s team is remote. Here’s how we maximize culture and productivity for a team spread across the world.

Communicating Effectively is Key to Getting Work Done 

Employees in a survey by Panopto reported spending an average of 5 hours every week waiting to get in touch with people that have the unique knowledge they need.

Businesses that adopt a unified communications (UC) phone system experience, on average, see a 52% improvement in workplace productivity, resulting in a 25% increase in operating profit, according to Digium.

94% of those surveyed by Wainhouse Research and Polycom, Inc. said that video conferencing’s top benefit is increased efficiency and productivity. 

Read Next: How to Make Virtual Meetings a Success

Access to Tools and Data Can Improve Productivity 

92% of employees say having technology that helps them do their job efficiently affects their work satisfaction, according to a study by Ultimate Software

53% of respondents in a CITO Research report stated mobile apps improve business processes and productivity. Try our Formstack Go app to discover this for yourself! 

mobility workplace productivity stats

67% of survey respondents in a study believe it would be easier to focus on work if important information from all their apps appeared in a single window.

Learn More: Discover what integrations you could be using to simplify your data collection and management. 

How to Boost Productivity and Efficiency 

The productivity stats above are a lot to take in all at once. Congrats on making it through! If they’ve stirred you to take action on improving your own productivity, check out our blog for even more articles on improving workplace productivity

Discover simple ways to improve productivity at your organization with our Digital Maturity Report. You’ll learn how the most optimized organizations have advanced their workflow automation to reach true efficiency!

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Lindsay McGuire
Lindsay is the Content Marketing Manager at Formstack, splitting her time between creating blog content, writing reports, and hosting Formstack's Practically Genius podcast. She's a proud graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism (MIZ!) and loves connecting with others on LinkedIn.
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